The Digital Audit

High Digital Competence and the Market's Best Auditing Tools

As society becomes digitalized, expectations towards us auditors are changing. Therefore, we work dedicatedly with innovation and technology to find new ways of working, while maintaining high quality. 

With BDO as your auditor, you can expect an auditor who uses both sophisticated digital tools and has the IT expertise needed to audit in a smart way. 

Digital Auditing Tools

As a large international network of auditing firms, BDO has access to several advanced digital tools. In addition, we develop solutions specifically tailored to customers in Norway. 

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BDO's global tool for conducting and documenting audits. The tool guides our auditors through our methodology, which is based on International Standards on Auditing (ISA), thus ensuring top-quality auditing and seamless auditing across national borders. 

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Customer Portal

BDO's global portal for interaction between us and you. The portal supports good data and information exchange in a simple and secure way. Exchange is encrypted and uses two-factor authentication and supports digital signatures. 

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BDO Norway's data and analysis platform, tailored for handling Norwegian customers. The solution is adapted for data loading from a large range of ERP systems through integration or SAF-T files and is integrated with Altinn. Heartbeat supports faster auditing through standardization and facilitation of data analysis on our side, while reducing the need for administration related to retrieving data and reports on your side.

By mapping your systems and needs, we find the solution that best suits auditing your business. 

Insight with Data Analysis

We use data analysis as part of planning and conducting the audit. This involves analyzing 100% of transactions and means that we can present useful insights for your business while forming good audit evidence. 

For analysis, we use powerful tools that handle large transaction volumes. We use our standard tools such as Heartbeat, but also develop customized solutions. We then use tools such as PowerBI and often connect to open APIs for easy and seamless data loading. 

Where appropriate, we also use fully automatic mapping of our customers' processes through the use of Process Mining. This provides better insight into your processes, which gives us a good understanding in the planning process while providing a good basis for discussions on optimizing processes and controls. 

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Auditing IT Systems

As society becomes digitalized and the technological landscape of Norwegian businesses becomes more complex, expectations for us auditors are also changing. Therefore, BDO heavily invests in digital competence among our auditors, so that we can take advantage of the investments you have made in automating, for example, internal control and transaction processing. 

Having our IT-savvy auditors build on your automatic controls (including general IT controls) provides an efficient audit while maintaining high quality. Deviations and risks associated with auditing IT systems and data analysis are reported to you as part of the formal reporting and informal dialogue between us. 

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