Sale of Pettersen & Pinderød Drift AS to Ragn Sells

$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.Industry$$Professional Services
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.ClientName$$Pettersen & Pinderød Drift AS


BDO acted as lead advisor to the owners in the sale of Pettersen & Pinderød Drift AS to Ragn Sells.

The company Pettersen & Pinderød Drift AS can trace its history back more than 40 years. The business offers services in sludge suction, high-pressure washing, ADR vehicles and pipe inspection in large parts of Østfold. The company is based in Gressvik near Fredrikstad and has nine employees with solid experience in their field.

Ragn-Sells sees Pettersen & Pinderød as a good opportunity to develop their business in Østfold. Pettersen & Pinderød is a company consisting of employees with considerable expertise and a good reputation, which will strengthen Ragn-Sell's presence and services in the Østfold region.

For further information, please contact us.